Livestock manure management has become a contentious issue in the community. Community members, governments, counties, etc. demand that the livestock industry manage its manure better. Issues like odor, water pollution, and disposal have become a bone of contention between the industry and the community at large.
The odor primarily comes from the slow decomposition of manure that produces Hydrogen Sulphide and Ammonia. Manure pits primarily facilitate anaerobic decomposition thereby increasing the odor. The liquefier helps in these different ways:
The manure liquefier helps maintain a balance between aerobic and anaerobic decomposition. This creates a thriving ecosystem that converts the inorganic compounds to organic compounds that are readily available for plant absorption. Get in touch with us to learn more about this.
Some of the most common problems that your soil can experience include excessive odors, water pollution, and issues with waste disposal. If you’re looking for a solution to these issues, look no further than the manure liquefier available at B & S Research.
This product establishes aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms in the soil that produce odor, flies, and crust. Then, it converts nitrogen and phosphate in that soil to an organic form which is 100% available to your plants. This results in better-smelling and less polluted soil.
If you’re ready to get started, call B & S Research today to inquire about our simple initial pit treatment. After the initial treatment, we also recommend scheduling maintenance through our program. Our team can assist you with understanding application rates and procedures.
Eliminate Odor, Flies, and More Through Manure Liquification
Call today to get started.
(218) 984-3757
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